Is Worship our Highest Calling?
The Bible teaches Jesus is Lord over every part of our lives, and we can give him glory by acting in a Christlike way in everything we do.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”. - 1 Cor 10:31
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,” Col 3:23
Our Highest Calling?
One of the reasons worship gets elevated above work in importance is saying “Worship is our Highest Calling.'“ This lifts worship above work, promoting a sacred secular divide that diminishes the value and calling of work. N.T. Wright explains that being “created in God’s image” demonstrates the twin callings in the mind of God. We are called to steward the world (work) and to speak of God’s glory in creation in worship back to him (worship).
When the Westminster Confession says “The chief end of man is to glorify God,” it would be easy to conclude worship is our chief end, our highest calling.
But we can do ALL things to glorify God . . . (1 Cor 10:31)
Work glorifies God.
Worship glorifies God. - and just because they both glorify God, it doesn’t prove that work = worship.
The only way you can make worship our highest calling and still have work as valuable is to make “everything we do,” which includes work, to equal worship (work=worship), which is what some of the quotes below do.
Here’s some quotes affirming . . .
Worship is our highest calling as believers.
Our highest calling isn't being a pastor or an evangelist. Not even being a missionary. Our highest calling isn't our husband or children, it's not the Bible study we lead or anything else we do.
At the end of our life it won't matter if we were successful at anything else, even at leading people to Jesus.
Our highest calling and the most important thing we'll ever do in this life is to worship Jesus.
1. We need to redefine worship.
This culture has distorted the word worship. What the Bible calls worship and what we call worship are two very different things. The Bible's definition of worship is broad and all encompassing of everything and anything we do in and through our lives that brings Christ worth and value.
Theology of Worship • Scott Cunningham
Theology of Worship is an in-depth study of different passages in scripture that give us insight into the subject of the Christian’s highest calling and greatest privilege of worshipping God. It is my prayer that through this class our understanding of God…who He is and what He has done, will grow deeper, as we broaden our understanding of the subject of Worship. We will also look at how it works out practically in our lives as we see the Christian life as truly a lifestyle of Worshiping God. - sorry, now password protected
Jeremiah 32:39 says, “I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship Me forever.” Worship is the highest calling, and it is what we were created to do. So when worship, we’re stepping into our calling, our purpose, and the only thing that will ever fulfill us.
I begin today a series of messages on worship. There are two reasons, at least. One is that worship is what we were created for. This is the final end of all existence: the worship of God. God created the universe so that it would display the worth of his glory. And he created us so that we would see this glory and reflect it by knowing and loving it — with all our heart and soul and mind and strength.
This image of heaven teaches us that the most important thing we can do with our lives is to worship God. The worship of God is meant to dominate our lives (Psalm 104:33). And worship is a combination of awe and action. It involves worshipping God through song, joyful obedience, and making disciples. In fact, one of the highest forms of worship is to make disciples and fulfill the Great Commission. . .
. . . All of creation joins together to worship God. This is our ultimate purpose. This is the high calling that God gives us: a life of worship to him.
The worship of Almighty God is the highest calling of man. Indeed, it is why we were created. As we contemplate the grace of God that has saved us from a life of rebellion, self righteousness, and sin, we cannot help but "shout for joy to God" and "sing the glory of His name" (Psalm 66:1-2). We were once enemies of God, lost in darkest night, bound for hell. But God has made us alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2:4). In response to His unfailing love we delight to gather Lord's Day by Lord's Day to worship God and give him the glory due His name.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers the question of what is the chief end of man (i.e. the highest calling we can strive for) by stating our chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
The core of the meaning of the word worship is ascribing worth. To glorify God is to worship him; to ascribe infinite worth to him. Worship is more than singing. We worship God (we acknowledge his worth to us) in how we use our money, how we use our time, how we treat our families, and how we use our gifts, talents, education, and abilities for blessing others. Every moment of every day is to be worship
“Worship: The Highest Calling” by Bob Ross Thomas
“The Adventure of Worship: Discovering Your Highest Calling” by Gerrit Gustafson,
Eastern Religion
Worship is distinct