Worship’s Journey - the book
After many years wanting to get my experiences and thoughts down on paper, I finally uploaded this book to Amazon for distribution. It has been used in a number of YWAM Schools of Worship as required reading..
Read the Introduction to “Worship’s Journey”
“I’d like to do that.” The thought rushed through my mind as my eyes fixed on the young guitarist. It was the first time I had ever seen a group like this. In a basement filled with young people like myself, here was a guitar being used to accompany Christian songs. I had been brought up in the church in my homeland of New Zealand, and Sunday morning always meant organs and old hymns.
In high school, I was drawn to the whole rock music scene. I loved the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, they all used guitars. For me, at that time, guitars and Jesus did not go together. But here they were!
Something clicked inside of me. Was this God speaking to me?
I was captured by the enthusiasm and genuine faith of these new friends, and wanted to know what made the difference. It was not long before I bought my own guitar and learnt enough chords to begin playing along at our own newly fired-up church youth group.
That began a decades-long journey of leading others in praise and worship (as it was then called). When I started, I did not know much about what I was doing. But as I served, God taught me lessons that I have freely shared with others who love to worship. Eventually, I began leading Schools of Worship at Youth With A Mission’s campus in Kona, Hawaii.
But what relevance do these lessons have today?
Looking at the past can give us perspective on where we are in God’s story and even reveal our future. The Contemporary Worship Movement (CWM) emerged as a new era in music met the charismatic renewal amongst the post-war baby boomers. Some of this generation were newly converted, but others, like me, had grown up in traditional churches. Many of us were living a musical double life, loving rock music throughout the week, but singing old hymns with organ music in church on Sunday! But a new wave of spiritual life was using a wildly different, and often controversial, musical style in worship. From these beginnings the movement has matured, notably in the vast improvement in the quality of songwriting and music production. We’re no longer forced to admit that the world’s music is so much better.
So where are we at now?
As the 21st Century began, two movements emerged. One is a prayer movement combining with worship ministries sparking a new format of worship and prayer together. There has also been a movement toward reviving earlier Christian traditions and spiritual disciplines, such as liturgy, fasting, and lectio divina (meditative scripture reading). By both honoring the past and accepting recent moves of the Holy Spirit, this generation has the potential to take us even deeper in worship.
I see coming, a generation . . .
• whose motivation is towards pursuing the love of Jesus as their first priority, resting in his love, not concentrating on doing the right thing merely as an outward performance.
• who prioritize worship and prayer, practicing his presence, placing these as a priority and a foundation of their ministry activity.
• who are not afraid to incorporate spiritual disciplines in their pursuit of a deeper relationship with Jesus, things like fasting, Bible meditation, and memorization. They want more than a lone “quiet time.”
• whose failures to live by Jesus’ example are rare, and result in running towards God and not away from him.
• who are neither fearful of nor intoxicated with the supernatural. The miracle working power of God is becoming a normal part of life and ministry.
• who don't let denominational bias prevent them from learning from other streams in the Body of Christ.
• who are prepared and willing to follow God to the ends of the earth to share the love of Jesus’ with the nations, no matter what the cost.
As this generation goes deeper in an authentic day-to-day friendship with Jesus, they will require worship experiences that reflect this greater depth. I have seen God pour out his Spirit in amazing ways in my lifetime, but there is more. In coming years, there will be new expressions that flow from burning hearts, but are not dependent on any particular music style. We’ll see hearts, voices and actions making one sound of thanks, praise and worship. Fully authentic worship will rise up when loving hearts fully connect with the truths conveyed in the songs.
I see a people prepared to receive a new wave of God’s Spirit, advancing the Kingdom of God through lives rooted in worship and prayer.
Work is Worship