“Laborare est Orare”

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    From an English periodical.

    Hark how Creation's deep musical chorus Unintermitting goes up into heaven!Never the ocean wave falters in flowing;Never the little seed stops in its growing;More and more richly the rose-heart keeps glowing Till from its nourishing stem it is riven!

    Labour is life 'tis the still water faileth;Idleness ever despaireth, bewaileth;

    Keep the watch wound, for the dark rust assaileth Flowers droop and die in the stillness of noon Labour is glory-the flying cloud lightens;

    Only the waving wing changes and brightens;

    Idle hearts only the dark future frightens-

    Play the sweet keys would'st thou keep them in tune.

    Labour is worship--the robin is Binging;

    Labour is worship-the wild bee is ringing;

    Listen! that eloquent whisper upspringing,

    Speaks to thy soul from out Nature's heart.

    Work! and pure slumbers shall wait on thy pillow;

    Work! thou shalt ride over care's coming billow

    Lie not down wearied 'neath woe's weeping willow;

    Work with a stout heart and resolute will!

    Work for some good, be it ever so slowly-

    Cherish some flower, be it ever so lowly-

    Labour! All labour is noble and holy!


  • For the Schoolmaster - 1859

    By Grace Norton -

    In the woods the flower upspringeth, In the woods the blue bird singeth, In the woods 'tis blythe all day, For each objeet seems to say,

    "Laborare est Orare. "

    There his nest the small bird maketh, There bright hues the floweret taketh, While the grass looks up to God, Or whispers to the fresh green sod,

    “Laborare est Orare. "

    There all day the west wind bloweth, There the oak the acorn soweth, While the swiftly flowing brook Murmurs to each shady nook,

    “Laborare est Orare. "

    There each morn the dew-drop cometh, There each noon the bright bee hummeth, And while providing for her hive, Still she sings, "Be all alive, Laborare est Orare. "

    There all day the broad sun beameth, While with joy each fair thing teemeth, And the twilight deepening there Writes in letters, bold and fair,

    " Laborare est Orare. "

    There each night the pale moon shineth, With each beam the prayer entwineth, And borne up on wings of light, Hark! the voices of the night,

    " Laborare est Orare. "

    Each thing on earth its course pursueth, All but man its duty doeth, Each is working all the day, Each is proving in íts way, Laborare est Orare.

    'Tis the worship nature giveth To the God in heaven that liveth,

    "Tis the incense breathed on high Rising ever through the sky, Laborare est Orare.

    While from nature's choir it ringeth, While her sweetest lay she singeth, Let us join the rising song, Let us aid the notes along,

    • " Laborare est Orare. "

    When no idle time man spendeth, When to duty he attendeth, Then will blessings crown the earth, Then mankind will know the truth, Laborare est Orare.

    Click for original on web



    “Laborare est orare! "

    Thus a weary worker sung,

    And his toil seemed lessened, lightened,

    As the glad words left his tongue;

    “Laborare est orare; "

    And his sunken spirits rose,

    For he felt that prayer ascending,

    Would be answered by repose.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Cheer thee, then, thou drooping heart,

    Thou, amidst the hymn of Nature,

    Silently canst bear a part.

    “Laborare est orare! '

    Let that prayer be heard on high,

    In the bright and sunny noontide,

    Ere the pale stars gem the sky.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Labour, then, with might and main,

    Whether at the forge and anvil,

    Or at gathering of the grain.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Some, alas! who pray this prayer,

    Never bend the knee in worship;

    Clogged their souls by want and care.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Labour, then, for such as these,

    Ye who, clothed in silk and purple,

    Live in luxury and ease.

    " Laborare est orare! "

    Feed their fainting souls with bread,

    And to gaze on heaven! y treasures,

    Raise each bowed and drooping head.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Prayer like this is heard on high,

    And its incense sweetly rises

    Through the blue vaults of the sky.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Angels waft that incense sweet.

    “Laborare est orare! "

    Bear it to the mercy seat.

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  • John Rogers Herbert 1810–1890

    T01455 Laborare est Orare 1862

    Inscribed ‘J.R. Herbert R.A./1862’

  • The Church of England Working Mans Society Founded in 1876.The back reads Laborare est orare "to work is to pray". This motto derives from the Rule of Benedict and was later adopted by the Freemasons


  • The city seal of Toledo, Ohio has been used since 1873 and shows the sun rising at Fort Industry with the phrase LABORARE – EST – ORARE



    Homeward wend the weary reapers,

    Bonding 'neath the golden sheaves,

    While the mother waits their coming,

    Undernenath the sloping eaves.

    Laborare est orare.

    Homeward plod the quiet cattle,

    With the plough-boy whistling

    They, too, help in life's great battlo-

    Help to harrow, help to plough.

    Laborare est orare

    Homeward run the happy children

    From tho school-house, from their play.

    They have worked their simple mission,

    Ending with the dying day.

    Laborare est orare

    Toil is sweat, with pationce taken;

    Sweet the bread wo work to win.

    Let us, then, with faith unshaken,

    Labor on ropelling sin.

    Laborare ost orare

    Close the window, bring the lamp-light,

    Gather round the glowing fire.

    Toil is over till tomorrow;

    Rest is all we now desire.

    Laborare est orare

    Bring the Bible from its cushion,

    On tho table 1ot it Iny.

    Let us kneel and thank

    Our Father For the blessings of to-day.

    Laborare est orare


  • 1899 Laborare est orare by Ellen Mary Rope (1855-1934).. Bas-relief. Source: Academy Architecture and Sculpture.


  • First published in 1911, these well-illustrated memoirs present a thoughtful portrait of Rowley's experiences and enthusiasms, touching upon his interactions with such artists as Ford Madox Brown, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt.

    It’s on Amazon

  • Item description

“Laborare est orare” by Ellen Mary Rope - 1899


“Laborare est Orare” - John Herbert - 1862

City of Toledo Seal - used from 1873 onwards

Medal from The Church of England Working Man’s Society

Song - “The Monk of Old” - 1883

  • see top right paragraph - source not found - 1885


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